Dear IAM Family,
It’s an exciting time to be a part of the IAM and the labour movement. Ahead of this Labour Day weekend, we confirmed what we already knew – people see unions as needed now more than ever.
According to polling released this week, more than seven-in-10 Americans approve of unions. Among those under the age of 30, nearly 90% support unions. Three-fourths support “workers going on strike to negotiate for better wages, benefits and working conditions.”
At the IAM, we saw this resurgence coming. We’ve been at the tip of the spear, taking back power for working families one day at a time.
We are making unprecedented investments in growing our union by hiring dozens of full-time organizers. From 2018 through 2022, we led the AFL-CIO in union election victories. And we are expanding into new industries, like healthcare, and growing our presence in our core sectors.
For our membership today, we continue to negotiate industry-leading contracts and taking on employers that mistreat our members. We are showing that the IAM is ready to for a new generation of prosperity by launching the Committee on the Future, growing leadership opportunities for women and more.
And we’re also finding our true purpose – to inspire and empower our members to make life better and create a world with security, dignity, and opportunity for all. Watch the IAM’s Purpose Anthem video here.
This Labour Day weekend, let’s be proud of our rich history. Let’s remember the 135 years of activism across North America that got us to this point, and that it was an IAM member who founded Labor Day.
Let’s talk to our friends and family about joining together in union, and the power we have to win justice and dignity on and off the job.
Most of all, on behalf of your union, we wish you and yours a happy and prosperous Labor Day weekend.
In solidarity,

Robert Martinez Jr.
International President